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Maintaining the correct temperatures for the hot and cold water which is supplied to your home can minimise the risk of Legionella bacteria causing harm to your household.
Legionella bacteria is a greater risk where water is stored between 20 - 40°C. The hot water in your home should be running at 50°C, and the cold water should not be above 20°C.
Below are some more tips to help minimise any risks:
Get in touch:
Glasgow West Housing Association
5 Royal Crescent
G3 7SL
CALL: 0141 331 6650
Repairs: 0141 331 6652
Tenancy: 0141 331 6651
Phone: 0141 331 6650
Repairs: 0141 331 6652
Tenancy: 0141 331 6651
Fax: 0141 331 6679
SMS: 07860018421
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Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator HEP 126. Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act (2014): 1955 RS.
Registered as a Scottish Charity SC001667.
For authorised staff users only.