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Glasgow West Housing Association Ltd is run by a Management Committee made up of volunteers who have dedicated thousands of hours of their time on behalf of GWHA residents to make the organisation a success in the community.
As part of our 30th celebrations, and in recognition of Jim Michael’s contribution to GWHA, (27 years Management Committee service, 24 as Secretary) and of his dedication to the wider West End community, a Community Award was launched. The objective of this award is to acknowledge the commitment of exceptional people who make a difference to the lives of people living in the community: the people who make the community what it is.
Congratulations to all nominees, especially to the winner Suzanne Young - nominated by a member of staff who recognised that she had taken it upon herself to reach out to the council regarding the ongoing vermin issues and the lack of support for the area. This helped us to get the right people around the table and get site visits, fly tipping signage and pest control all in place. Suzanne initiated this process, and all her hard effort resulted in the council taking action for the area.
2023 - Cathie Smith
2022 - Mary Giel
2021 - Catherine Ryan
2019 - Anne Campbell
2018 - Kirsty Blair & Ilham Lakouahi
2017 - Andrew Campbell & Hazel Ralston
2016 - Mrs Rogers
2015 - Dolina MacNeill
2014 - Isobel Campbell
2013 - Mr & Mrs Siraj
2012 - Patrick Arthur
2011 - Christine McLean
2010 - David Bacon
2009 - Mrs Paterson
The main criterion for nomination is that the person must have made a positive impact on the life/ lives of people living within the GWHA local community, which consists of the Anderston, Burnbank, Hillhead, Hyndland and Kelvingrove areas. It may be that the person:
Nominees do not need to be GWHA tenants or owners but need to live within the community. Nomination Forms are available for download here or you can get one from our office at 5 Royal Crescent.
A panel will meet annually, usually in April to consider all nominations. The award will be announced at our Annual General Meeting in June each year.
If you would like more information about the Jim Michael Award contact us on 0141 331 6650 or you can access a copy of the nomination form here.
Glasgow West Housing Association
5 Royal Crescent
G3 7SL
CALL: 0141 331 6650
Repairs: 0141 331 6652
Tenancy: 0141 331 6651
Phone: 0141 331 6650
Repairs: 0141 331 6652
Tenancy: 0141 331 6651
Fax: 0141 331 6679
SMS: 07860018421
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Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator HEP 126. Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act (2014): 1955 RS.
Registered as a Scottish Charity SC001667.
For authorised staff users only.