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Existing tenants and owners of Glasgow West can now access their account online. To register for your Glasgow West Online Account, fill in the details below (ensuring you select 'this is genuine' from the Spam Filter dropdown) and click submit.
Your login details will be sent to you within 3 working days. You will then be able to access your tenant or owner account where you can report repairs, view your statements and provide feedback.
Please note this service can not be used to track housing application forms submitted through the Glasgow Housing Register. You should register for the Glasgow West Online Account service if you are a current tenant or owner of Glasgow West to enable you to manage your account online.
Glasgow West Housing Association
5 Royal Crescent
G3 7SL
CALL: 0141 331 6650
Repairs: 0141 331 6652
Tenancy: 0141 331 6651
Phone: 0141 331 6650
Repairs: 0141 331 6652
Tenancy: 0141 331 6651
Fax: 0141 331 6679
SMS: 07860018421
Office Hours & Public Holidays
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Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator HEP 126. Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act (2014): 1955 RS.
Registered as a Scottish Charity SC001667.
For authorised staff users only.