5 Royal Crescent, Glasgow G3 7SL Telephone: 0141 331 6650 SMS: 07860018421

Ending Your Tenancy

Ending Your Tenancy

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To end your tenancy, you must give us at least 28 days’ written notice in line with your tenancy agreement. The 28 day notice period begins on the day we receive your written notice. 

Typically, a tenancy ends with the death of the tenant however, under certain circumstances, people living in the house at the time of the tenant’s death may qualify for succession. Please contact us on 0141 331 6650 for more information. 

In the unfortunate event that you find yourself responsible for clearing property from a deceased relative’s tenancy, we request that you return the keys to GWHA up to two weeks from the date of death. We realise that this is a difficult and stressful time and will support you as much as possible. 

We can end your tenancy if there is a breach of the tenancy agreement and we proceed with court action and a decree for eviction is granted by the Sheriff Court. The most common breaches of the tenancy agreement are:

  • Failure to pay your rent and keep your account four weeks in advance;
  • Anti-Social Behaviour;
  • Condition of the property/garden;
  • Failure to occupy the property as your principle home 
Abandoned Properties
If we suspect that you have abandoned your tenancy we will carry out necessary checks before we issue notice to end your tenancy. Find out more about our abandoned properties process in our infosheet here, or you can read our full policy here


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Glasgow West Housing Association
5 Royal Crescent
G3 7SL

CALL: 0141 331 6650
Repairs: 0141 331 6652
Tenancy: 0141 331 6651

Phone: 0141 331 6650
Repairs: 0141 331 6652
Tenancy: 0141 331 6651

Fax: 0141 331 6679
SMS: 07860018421
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Glasgow West Housing Association ©
All Rights Reserved | Admin Only

Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator HEP 126. Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act (2014): 1955 RS.
Registered as a Scottish Charity SC001667.