Pregnant or recently had a child? You could be due £600.
The Scottish Government has increased the payments available to lower income families for each child they have. The Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment will help children across Scotland have a fairer start by providing cash sums to families at crucial times in a young child’s life.
Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment, which will be delivered by Social Security Scotland, is a one-off payment of £600 for you first child then £300 for each younger sibling. You do not need to pay this back. It is there to help you with pregnancy or baby related expenses, including clothes and nursery items.
The new Payment will launch on 10 December 2018 and you can apply from the 24th week of your pregnancy, up until the child is six months old. Either parent or carer can apply.
The Payment is part of Best Start Grant – a package of three payments that will give extra money to lower-income families during the key early years of a child’s life. Following the Pregnancy and Baby Payment two additional payments of £250 will help with early learning costs and school preparation costs and will be open for applications by summer 2019 – to those who are eligible.
To be eligible for the Pregnancy and Baby Payment, you must live in Scotland and be in receipt of a qualifying benefit from the list below:
• Income Support
• Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
• Pension Credit
• Universal Credit
• Housing Benefit
• Child Tax Credit
• Working Tax Credit
If you are under 18 or 18/19 and still dependant on your parents and in full time education or training – you do not need to be in receipt of a qualifying benefit.
The Pregnancy and Baby Payment will not affect your other benefits or tax credits.
You can apply online, by phone or post. Visit or call 0800 182 2222 to find out more.
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