The purpose of this leaflet is to provide you as a homeowner with general information to help you understand the processes involved with instructing common repairs to your home.
This leaflet was launched at our 2017 Owners Conference and is shaped by feedback received from you all in relation to the services we provide.
Glasgow West Enterprises (GWEn) as your Property Factor, will, from time to time, identify common repairs or investment works required to address a current issue or to protect the building fabric for the future.
Every project is unique. Project specific & relevant information will be provided as applicable at the time.
If any common repairs exceed £2000.00 per block, your Factoring Team will refer to the Title Deeds relevant to your home to confirm the legally stipulated guidelines that must be followed to call an owners meeting and decide on how to progress with required works.
Please take time to review this information leaflet and call the Factoring Team for any further advice.
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Major Works Leaflet
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Glasgow West Enterprises Limited
5 Royal Crescent
G3 7SL
Phone: 0141 331 6673
Fax: 0141 331 6679
Office Hours & Public Holidays
Company Reg No: SC375676 VAT Reg No: 108 2556 26 Registered as a Scottish Property Factor No: PF000329
For authorised staff users only.