It is important to us that all residents live in a safe environment, both within their property and within the common areas of any property we own or factor. The following information is to help ensure safety within your property.
Smoke Alarms
If you suspect your smoke alarm is faulty or damaged, even if by accident, please urgently contact a qualified contractor to attend and carry out necessary repairs. Do not attempt to disconnect the smoke alarm at any time as you will be immediately placing yourself at increased risk in the event of a fire.
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service want to make sure your home is as safe from fire as it can be. They provide a free Home Fire Safety Visit where they can help you to spot potential fire hazards, offer advice and fit smoke alarms free of charge (if required). The visit takes around 20 minutes. To book a visit call 0800 0731 999 or visit
Scottish Government New Legislation:
Smoke, Heat & CO2 Detectors
The law on fire alarms is changing from February 2022, which means all homes in Scotland will need to have interlinked alarms. When one goes off they all go off, alerting you to danger quicker, no matter where you are in your home. The new regulations mean homes need:
Further information is available on Scottish Government’s website:
Common Areas
Fire Safety Advice
The following information should be considered by all residents to ensure safety and prevent risk of fire.
If a fire does break out:
Multi Storey & Deck Access Fire Safety
To assist in robust fire safety across our Multi Storey & Deck Access properties, we ask for your continued vigilance and cooperation to ensure common areas are kept clear of obstructions. Please alert our Concierge Teams to any areas requiring attention.
Scottish Fire & Rescue Service has confirmed that in the event of a fire, residents should 'Stay in Place' to allow controlled fire-fighting and evacuation, as deemed appropriate by them, at the time. For further information from Scottish Fire & Rescue Service call 0800 0731 999 or visit
Scottish Fire & Rescue Service have created the following Community Safety Advice for the general public:
The Scottish Government published a guidance leaflet for people living in high rise properties in December 2019. It has useful information about what to do in an emergency situation.
Scottish Government High Rise Fire Safety Leaflet - Dec 2019
Glasgow West Enterprises Limited
5 Royal Crescent
G3 7SL
Phone: 0141 331 6673
Fax: 0141 331 6679
Office Hours & Public Holidays
Company Reg No: SC375676 VAT Reg No: 108 2556 26 Registered as a Scottish Property Factor No: PF000329
For authorised staff users only.